
Wills & Trust


Since the outbreak of coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic, the term “ Flattening The Curve “ is mentioned daily in the news by medical officials around the world. This term was coined by a medical historian named Dr. Howard Markel from University of Michigan and what it means in epidemiology is to slow the rate of infection for contagious diseases . Anyone watching the news would noticed that the curve is presented in a statistical chart where…

Stimulus Package is the most current and important buzzword in Malaysia and around the world as most of countries are on lockdown or curfew or restricted movement order for a specified period of time. All this is due to the invisible Coronavirus causing such a pandemic . As we abide by the movement control order (MCO) until 28th April, 2020, our daily lives have been disrupted and nearly all our businesses have to be closed…

I think you would agree with me if I say Covid – 19 or Coronavirus is the most scariest word in the whole world at the moment . While we are grounded in our homes with our family under the lockdown period, I believed all of us are bombarded with news on our television set , daily whatsapp messages and Facebook on the infected and death cases in Malaysia and the rest of world. I…

Under the law, it allows the appointment of one executor to be appointed in the will. However, through experience, Peter Lee advises that at least two should be appointed but act in the order of priority, in the event the first executor is unwilling or unable to carry out the duties. For the appointment of joint executors, the testator may appoint up to 4 persons but where the appointment is in the order of priority, there can…

A Will is a revocable declaration of intention regarding the distribution of our assets to our loved ones upon our demise. Although there are people who draw up their own will, the questions one has to ask are: Is this a valid and functional will? Are my instructions in the will clear for my executor to understand and carry out? Does it achieve my objectives? How can I ensure that there is no tampering to…

The question that most people would ask when they think it’s time to write a will is “Can I write a Will myself” The short answer is: “Don’t be penny wise pound foolish” It is always not advisable to write our own wills because we might not achieve what we want and avoid what we don’t want. The following might happen: Partial intestacy – No residuary clause Easily subject to contest in court, may cause…

More people are beginning to realise that human life is indeed fleetingly short. However, for most, this realisation seems to stop short at just this point, and does not extend very much further beyond this. We understand that when we leave this life we leave the world we knew and all its attachments. What we do not seem to grasp or perhaps we do, but do not really see the urgency to act on, is…